tel:+(343) 353-0558

I work collaboratively with individuals to explore presenting concerns, unpack the causes and conditions reinforcing them, and work through personal and interpersonal blocks that impede on their healing and personal growth. We draw on deeper long term values as a guidepost as we move through therapeutic process.
I draw upon a variety of treatment approaches, including: Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), and mindfulness-based interventions (MiCBT, MBSR, MSC, MB-EAT).
Aim of Interventions
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
This evidence-based approach, borrowing from Family Systems Theory, aims to heal wounded parts of individuals and restore overall emotional balance. Through the healing process, individuals deepen their connection with their core Self, allowing access to their inherent wisdom, compassion, confidence, calm, curiosity, creativity and connectedness.
Somatic Experiencing (SE)
Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)
Within this approach, individuals are taught to interrupt their symptoms/maladaptive behavior, to learn to process and regulate their emotions, and to work through and resolve fears and blocks as they surface in the process of treatment. Individual work utilizes emotion-focused therapy principles and tasks to support the treatment work.
Mindfulness-Based Interventions
Mindfulness involves being present with your moment to moment experience with an attitude of non-judgement, curiosity, acceptance and kindness. I utilize a variety of meditation practices as a means of supporting individuals in desensitizing from unpleasant emotional states and unhelpful thought patterns. Through this process of desensitization, individuals build their tolerance to relate to their emotional and mental state with more acceptance and kindness, thus creating more freedom to take actions that align with their deeper long term needs and values.