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I have been working in the field of community mental health for the past 14 years, completing my formal education in Criminology (BA, MA) and Social Work (MSW).   I have developed a passion for working alongside individuals as they embark on their journey of self-discovery, personal growth and healing.  Navigating the terrain of our inner struggles to create lasting meaningful change is one of the most courageous things we can do as human beings, and continues to inspire me in my work as a therapist.
I have also completed extensive mindfulness training over the past 8 years.  Through this training I have become qualified to teach Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (MiCBT) (MiCBT Institute, AU), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) (University of Massachusetts, School of Medicine), Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training (MB-EAT) (Center for Mindful Eating, NH) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) Training Course (University of San Diego, School of Medicine). These trainings have been highly instrumental in my own personal growth, and in the work that I do with individuals and groups.

Home: About Me


I work collaboratively with individuals to explore presenting concerns, unpack the causes and conditions reinforcing them, and work through personal and interpersonal blocks that impede on their healing and personal growth.  I draw on the deeper long term values of the individual as a guidepost while we move through therapeutic process.
I draw upon a variety of treatment approaches, including: Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT), and mindfulness-based interventions (MiCBT, MBSR, MSC, MB-EAT).

Psychologist Session
Home: About Therapy


Here to support you on your healing journey.

Therapy Office


I offer therapy sessions to individuals (18+).  I have a special proficiency in the treatment of chronic stress, anxiety, perfectionism, and burnout.


I run two 8-week mindfulness programs (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program & Mindful Self Compassion Training Course), and two 10-week mindfulness programs (Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course & Mindful Eating Course), along with Full and Half Day Silent Meditation Retreats.  The aim of these courses is to cultivate the capacity to meet our moment to moment experiences with an attitude of non-judgement, curiosity acceptance and kindness.  Mindfulness practice allows us to live life more fully, coming out of autopilot mode and embracing the simple joys of life even when difficulty is present.  It deepens our wisdom and compassion so that we can skillfully respond to our experiences, rather than reacting in ways that often fail to meet our deeper needs.

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Explore the collection of tools, worksheets and information to support your mental health.

Home: Services


Ontario address: PO Box 23017 Fairlawn Plaza PO, Ottawa ON, K2A4E2


New Brunswick address: 117 Carleton Street, Saint John New Brunswick, E2L2Z6

tel:+(343) 353-0558



  • Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (MiCBT)
    Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (MiCBT)
    Time is TBD
    Saint John
    Time is TBD
    Saint John, 117 Carleton St, Saint John, NB E2L 2Z6, Canada
    Time is TBD
    Saint John, 117 Carleton St, Saint John, NB E2L 2Z6, Canada
    A mindfulness program applied in individual therapy sessions.
  • 3hr Mindfulness & Stress Reduction Workshop for Your Team
    3hr Mindfulness & Stress Reduction Workshop for Your Team
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    If your business is interested in hosting a wellness workshop for your team, feel free to reach out if you would me to offer my teachings! Flat rate of $650.00CAD for upwards of 20 participants.
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